REClinic | Nasolabial Lines Treatments in our Bicester clinic

Nasolabial Lines Treatments in our Bicester clinic

Nasolabial Lines

The nasolabial folds are the lines that run from each side of your nose down to the corners of your mouth. Regular facial movement, such as smiling and talking encourages a line to appear over time. As we age, these lines become more prominent due to the reduction of collagen and elasticity in our skin. The effect of this is to cause the skin in this area to weaken and sag so that the skin starts to hang over the lines between our nose and mouth.

The first instinct to improve those lines would be to inject filler directly into those grooves, and that is what cosmetic doctors used to do. However, to treat those lines effectively we need to support the cheekbone and re-inflate the cheek contours. Only after the midface volume loss has been addressed can we consider using a small amount of product directly into those lines.

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Nasolabial Lines treatments at a glance

  • Procedure time 30 minutes
  • Anaesthesia None
  • Downtime 1-3 days
  • Downtime Nose-to-mouth lines reduction
  • Longevity 12-18 months
  • Price from £350
  • Please note that you are paying for the treatment only and no guarantee is made of any outcome. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances, as the product has been used and the service has been delivered.

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