REClinic | Chin Fillers in our Bicester clinic

Chin Fillers in our Bicester clinic

Chin Fillers

The chin seems an unlikely place to inject fillers into as it has no wrinkles and doesn't lose volume the way the upper face does. This area, however, is treated increasingly more often in order to improve the structure and balance of the face.

This treatment is very effective for both men and women. Chin dermal fillers are very popular for addressing a weak or receding chin and help to improve the balance of the face to achieve optimal proportions, both from straight on and in profile. This treatment which takes 30 minutes can be used as an alternative to surgery with minimum downtime.

Female patients find this treatment useful for counteracting bone resorption and helping to sharpen the jaw contour, we can elongate the chin and help to balance the face proportions. We can also correct any asymmetry, and soften a deep lip-to-chin groove to improve the appearance of the whole chin area.

Male patients can benefit from chin filler treatment in order to reshape the chin and jawline to make a face look more masculine and chiselled.

A selection of chin augmentation Juvederm products, a range known for its safety and efficacy, allows us to achieve different outcomes and to create the desired contours. The new Juvederm Volux filler has been specifically designed for chin augmentation and gives an amazing treatment outcome lasting up to 24 months.

Chin Fillers Before and After at REclinic
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Chin Fillers treatments at a glance

  • Procedure time 30 minutes
  • Anaesthesia None
  • Downtime 1-3 days
  • Results Chin definition
  • Longevity 18-24 months
  • Price from £350
  • Please note that you are paying for the treatment only and no guarantee is made of any outcome. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances, as the product has been used and the service has been delivered.

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