REClinic | Facial Rejuvenation with Secret RF

Facial Rejuvenation with Secret RF

If you follow REclinic regularly you cannot have failed to notice that we’re a little bit obsessed with Secret RF and the amazing results this award-winning treatment produces. But just in case you’ve been visiting relatives on Mars or living under a rock, here is a quick recap of what it is.

The award-winning (did we already mention this?!), novel fractional radiofrequency (RF) micro-needling system delivers RF energy beyond the surface of your skin and into the deeper layers where it stimulates and remodels the collagen, making it perfect for tightening and contouring the face and body.

Secret RF by Cutera

Micro-needling with a difference
The real secret to this product is the way it couples a micro-needling process with the power of radiofrequency, the combination of the two is what produces such impressive results.

The gold-tipped, fine needles are incredibly precise and come in two sizes, depending on the specific part of the body or face being focused upon, allowing for a personalised experience. Penetrating the skin at high speed, they can reach the deeper layers below the surface to create micro-trauma in the area being treated. This then activates the skin’s natural healing response, stimulating collagen production.

Simultaneously, the radiofrequency part of the treatment heals and tightens the stimulated area of the skin. This results in a tighter, more contoured effect. The overall result Secret RF achieves is a completely natural look but, boosted by tighter, smoother, fresher skin with a more youthful appearance.

Secret RF is suitable for everyone
Secret RF is safe for just about everyone to use as a treatment option on most areas of skin on the face or body. Its ability to tighten and contour the skin makes it the ideal treatment for targeting those common signs of ageing:

Secret RF real-life case study
Following a thorough consultation with Dr Martina, this lovely REclinic patient had three sessions of Secret RF at 4-week intervals. We wanted to achieve a natural-looking skin rejuvenation to her face, eyes, and neck. She felt that she looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes. She was also not happy with how she felt her cheeks and jaw looked ‘saggy.’

As the images show, the results are impressive. The course of treatment with Secret RF has improved the overall skin laxity as well as given it a healthy glow. The eye area is lifted, and the dark circles are gone. The patient’s jawline looks sharper and her skin tighter.

Secret RF before and after full face
Secret RF before and after side face

Perfect for a busy schedule
If you are tempted by a treatment, but short on time then Secret RF could be the answer. The process itself takes around 30 minutes and beforehand we apply a topical numbing cream to the affected area, so the procedure is basically pain-free. Most clients report just feeling a slight feeling of warmth and pressure. The entire process usually involves a series of 3-4 sessions, roughly 4-6 weeks apart. Treatment is only carried out after a thorough consultation with Dr Martina.

You can usually see a difference after the second session, but optimal results will appear around three months after your final treatment. To maintain the result, a maintenance treatment is recommended every eighteen months.

Secret RF before and after eyes

Reclinic is the only clinic in Oxfordshire to offer Secret RF
We are enormously proud to be the first clinic in Oxfordshire to offer this revolutionary treatment to our patients. Secret RF from Cutera is transforming anti-ageing treatments by offering amazing results with minimal downtime. In an industry where big claims are often made with unsubstantiated results; we are thrilled that this actually does everything it says, ‘on the tin’!

If you’re ready to tackle the signs of ageing and think Secret RF might be the solution, please get in touch for an initial consultation.

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